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A member registered Jun 22, 2017

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Okay so I've not finished the game (only one route so far, so, yeah...),  and it's definitely awesome.

I often mourn the lack of enough interactivity in many simulation vn, so I've been keeping an eye on your game for a while and I'm extremely glad you could make it !      The characters, even the minor ones are all interesting and I personally found the quest system on point. Every interaction was engaging, and the art made it all better ahah.

Regarding the difficulty I found it pretty much normal actually ? It was nice to have a balance between some auditions I could breeze through stat-wise, and some where I had to work for a little. It prevents the learning system from becoming useless too soon even if at end you mostly roll with the punches (or maybe that's just me, I tend to save-scum a lot in stat-raising games at the beggining so it sure helps with getting ahead).                               

And because of that last habit, my end-game was a bit empty on events and quests despite the sheer number of them. So I'm probably biased, but on future projects (because I sure hope you will envisage to create more at some point !) maybe it would be beneficial to have a date-locked requirement on quests to keep a bit of harmony in the repartition of quantity ? But that's just the only (subjective) fault I could find in all this awesomeness.

I think people may find the game more punishing than what it really is either due to a lack of familiarity with these type of games or a guide/walkthrough to deal with all the information. The majority of sim games out there are a tad more demanding than this one.

So in short, thank you for this game, your reactivity regarding the bugs, not abandoning this project, and all the hard work you put into it. It shows.                                                              Please take care of yourself and enjoy the aftermath of your efforts.

I'm off to Shuu's route now !

Okay so I kinda registered just for this review, to say how much I needed to do it.   

I played a looooot of similar games so I'm not a newbie there, and I still was greatly challenged by the stats system (in a good way!). Thank you for making the game free since not everyone can spend money that easily, and actually made me spend a bit more on the premium content (like I could pass up the bonus meh). I really liked the fact that we could personalize that much details and made me more involved than I probably would have. And seriously Robin's awesome. Fucking annoying but so stupidly awesome. Never liked a protagonist that much.

To the story part. I think I hate you. Like I said, I'm not a novice to the vn genre, but I sadly began with Dallas route and god, by the end I felt so miserable, and the beginning on open mode with him felt so bitter sweet I just... argh. I don't know if it's the way your writing expresses well the characters or if the romance is way more mature than what I'm used to (and actually prefer btw) but god whatareyoumakingmefeelyoudemon. 

Anyway Wizz's path made it all better, I think I have a favorite (no I know actually). 

So I may have played a bit too much of the game and felt really empty after. Needed that off my chest. I literally  finished every little bit of the game I enjoyed myself way too much heh.

And I'm gonna stop here because I probably could write entire articles of that game. 

Thank you for making it, and since I'm obviously a masochist I'm totally going to buy anything else that follow this one. You made yourself another follower, yay !

Ps: Special mention to Basty, he's a sweetheart.